Particles! BBS
We're So Old We're Retro

I Want to Connect Via Old School Computer!

There’s lots of ways of doing this these days.

The far easiest way to BBS from your old system is to use a WiFiModem.  These devices hook to your RS-232 port of your old computer. sells  RS-232 and Commodore WiFi modems that work perfectly.

For Atari 8-bit computers, sells SIO adapters that will get you online.

For Apple II Plus/IIe systems, you can use a standard WiFiModem but you’ll need a Super Serial Card, usually in Slot#2 to connect it.  Apple IIc/IIgs/IIc+ systems have a built-in Super Serial Card and you’ll need the appropriate cable to hook up the WiFiModem.

I’ve personally tested the WiFiModem sold above on: a Tandy TRS-80 Model 4P, IBM PCjr, Sinclair QL (US Version), Atari ST/Mega ST, Tandy Model 12, a C128/128DCR, and Tandy CoCo 3.

Our address is port 6400

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